Buy the Best Diamonds in Indianapolis, Indiana from Star Gems

Diamonds in Indianapolis, IN are brought to customers by Star Gems Inc., a diamond importing and manufacturing company set up in 1986. During the 25 years since its inception this company, established by Anish Desai and Vilas Jain, Star Gems, with its commitment to excellence and personalized service, is an established, well-respected name among jewelry stores in Indianapolis.

At Star Gems we use ideal cut diamonds of ideal cut and we adhere to 4C principle associated with diamonds. Star Gems uses diamonds in the F-G range of color for our diamond jewelry pieces. For an inexperienced buyer it is not easy to keep all these aspects in mind while buying diamonds from jewelry stores in Indianapolis Indiana. That is why we partner with retailers you can trust and our product is of the highest quality.

Innovation is a hallmark of Star Gems in Indianapolis. In an effort to stay in tune with the times we continually implement new designs and update our strategy. Star Gems Incorporation introduced '3 Stone Jewelry' collection, and 'Forever Beautiful' collection earlier. Our latest 'Vogue Collection' is a resplendent set of bridal jewelry, earrings, pendants, fashion jewelry and couture items.

Creativity of Star Gems also is visible in its marketing strategy. We have recently restructured our website with clear images of our entire range of diamond jewelry, complete with product code and more detailed descriptions. For the benefit of our customers, we have included a list of our retail partners in Indianapolis selling diamond jewelry.

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Buy the Best Diamonds in Indianapolis, Indiana from Star Gems


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