Q: Can you help us get listed in Search Engines?
A: With our plans SEO Lite and SEO we will position your website on 1st page of Search Engines for the keywords that we are working for you. Please ask your support executive for more info.
Q: What is Search Engine Optimization?
A: Search Engine Optimization is all about getting your website higher up in the search results on search engines such as Google. The higher up the results you are the more traffic (and customers) you’re likely to get.
Q: Why do we need to do SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?
A: Answer is very simple
- Find new customers and assist growth
If you think about it, one of the main reasons you have a website is to increase and differentiate your customer base. It is a fact that businesses that have a website grow twice as fast as businesses that don’t have a website.
SEO will help you gain better rankings in search engine result pages and this translates to more targeted visits and essentially to more customers.
- Bypass competition
Imagine two businesses in the same niche, selling similar products at similar prices. One of them has a search engine optimized website and the other one has a non-optimized web presence. Other things being equal, which company do you think is more successful? Which company will gain more customers from local SEO and which company is likely to grow faster?
Do not underestimate the power of search engines and SEO and don’t forget that if your competitors are doing SEO and social media marketing then you have to do it as well. If on the other hand they are not doing any of this stuff, then it’s your chance to differentiate and make a step ahead.
- Open your business 24 × 7
A business that gets organic traffic is like it is open for 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. That’s the magic of the Internet and SEO. Invest time and money to get your website on top of the SERPs and gain new customers while your business is closed!
Q: Who will choose keywords and towns for SEO?
A: Our experts will send you list of keywords that are more used for jewelry industry in your area along with towns from where you can drive extra traffic and you can have your final chosen keywords and towns from that list or any of your own choice. We recommend selecting from our list as those keywords are researched and can drive more traffic.
Q: How many Keywords can we choose?
A: Based on the plan this also changes. If you are on SEO Lite plan then you have 5 keywords and 3 towns including yours and for SEO plan you have 10 keywords and 6 towns including yours. If you feel that you need more keywords added that can be done by adding bunch of 5 keywords for small additional fee.
Q: Which method of Search Engine Optimization do you use?
A: We use Organic Search Engine Optimization method. Basic difference between Organic Listing and PPC listing is, when it comes to Organic Listing variable factors are involved like Search Engine Friendly Website, Relevant Keyword Phrases, Ethical SEO technique ("White Hat"), Fresh Content on Website, XML Sitemap and submitted to Google correctly and varied other. Whereas PPC means paid sponsored link on search engines.
Q: Why should I pay for search engine optimization plan once I gain good positioning?
A: Having website placed well with good organic placement it always remains a moving target. It’s never like a static Yellow Page Ad which will never change. Organic positioning can take a big dip if there is major change in search algorithm by search Engine Company. Google is known to keep changing its algorithm on frequent note. With every change we analyze the impact and make relevant changes to your website. Optimization is not a "submit and forget" proposition. It’s an ongoing process to stay on top.
Q: We frequently receive emails from other company stating that our website is not doing well for keywords used in industry?
A: Those are marketing emails if you are on our any SEO plan we are working for keywords that we are aware, and we send you reports for those keyword status. We will be happy if you share that email with us so we can properly guide you and let you know answers to query mentioned in that email.
Q: Should I change my keywords from time to time to increase our exposure?
A: We do not recommend changing keywords often as once we change the keywords to a new one our ranking for the keyword that was removed will start falling. If you feel that you need more exposure then you should add more keywords. Yearly analysis should be done and at that time we can eliminate keywords that did not perform for you.
Q: Can I add more keywords midway?
A: Sure! If you are willing to add more keywords that will eventually increase your exposure you can go ahead with additional keyword pack (with each pack you purchase you can add 5 more keywords to your existing keywords).
Q: Can I add more towns?
A: Sure! If you feel that you are limiting your website visibility by not targeting it in enough towns you can add more towns with our additional town pack (with each pack you purchase you can add 2 more towns to your existing towns).
Q: How long will it take to get my site listed on Google using Organic Method?
A: This depends on varied reasons and it can take up to 6-8 months for most of the sites but if your site is new it will take more time. If it’s old then we can deliver results early. One factor that can greatly affect time is the competition keywords have that we are working for you.
Beware: There are many unscrupulous SEO companies out there that will tell you they can get you front page positioning in two weeks. That should raise a big red flag with you.