Q: What will my site look like?
We believe in every store has its own presence and personal touch so why should your online store not have same distinct look and feel and to achieve this we custom designed websites (not from a templates already available on internet or same looking our own website) creating online store image with your color choice will be developed and we will work on look and feel of website till you are satisfied with.
Q: How long does it take after we sign up to get our website live?
Once you sign up for any of our plans we will get in touch with you for details, and then start working on layout. After layout is approved we get started with actual website development. Normally this process does not take more than 6 weeks. But if we get initial details quickly website should go live within 4 weeks.
Q: Whom do we get in touch with for website changes / updates?
Once you sign up for any of our plans you will be assigned a dedicate support executive. The support executive will be your direct contact and will make sure that your vision and functionality of website is properly communicated and implemented. After website goes live support executive will be in constant touch with you for details and making sure your website is updated with all events and offers at store. You are also required to get in touch with your support executive to get things done on your website.
Q: What if we need more pages? What will it cost us?
You can ask us to add pages at any time during and even after website design process if completed. As all our plans includes website maintenance there is NO extra charge for additional pages.
Q: Can we upgrade from Basic to other higher plans?
Sure! You can start with basic plan if you wish to and at any point you can upgrade to our other plans that offers better visibility of your website and social media presence. Your new billing only starts after the process of upgrade is completed.
Q: What is your payment policy and what type of payment do you accept?
None of our plans has start up cost so your billing will only start after website has gone live. Based on your plan you will either be billed monthly, bimonthly or half yearly. We accept payment via PayPal as that allows you to make payment using your card or checking account.
Q: Can we have a site that looks like this?
Actually, making it look like anything you want is not much of a factor. We’ll start with your initial direction and then work with you to refine it.
Q: Do we get dedicated mobile website?
All our plans except Basic include dedicate mobile website. And with a small monthly fee you can have mobile website along with Basic Plan also.
Q: Do you do ecommerce / online store website?
Yes we do.
Q: Do you outsource your work?
No we don’t. All our design and development work is done in house.
Q: What details do we need to provide you to get started with our website?
We make it real simple for you, to begin with we require color choice, your logo, reference site (if you like any) and few store pictures. This information is good for us to get started and other details we will collect as we go along.


Q: What is a domain name?
A domain name is your address on the internet. Typically this would be something like yourstorename.com.
Q: What is web hosting?
Web hosting is a service that allows your website to be viewed on the Internet. It’s basically a computer housed in a data centre that runs your website.
Q: How do we get a domain name and web hosting?
All website we care are hosted on our server as that helps us eliminate delay if there is something wrong with server. If you do not have a domain name we can get it registered for you and if you already have then you can either choose to transfer that to us and we can manage it for you or provide us with domain login details so we have access to make changes to its settings when required. One domain registration / renewal and hosting are included in all our plans. If you wish to have more than one domain a small fee per domain name per year will be charged.


Q: Do you help with process of setting up customer online purchasing from my website?
Sure! We can help you setup online purchase on your website and have PayPal or any other gateway of your choice for processing payments. We suggest PayPal because you do not have to pay upfront setup charges neither there is any yearly maintenance charges. If you wish to use other company as Payment Gateway we are fine with that as well but our suggestion is to get started with PayPal and if you start seeing revenue coming in via online sales you can opt for other company as and provide multiple payment gateways to users.
Q: What will be your detailed role?
Our role will include management of ecommerce functionality. We will make sure that there are no issues with Ecommerce functionality on your website. Take immediate action if something goes wrong. If you wish to have your inventory addition done via us we will manage that part as well for you. We will touchup images for giving them better look on website.
Q: How will I come to know if somebody has purchased online from my website?
Once the payment has been made by the customer online, a notification will come to your email which will have all the details about the order. We also provide you with a backend control panel to track the number of orders placed till date.


Q: Can you help us get listed in Search Engines?
With our plans SEO Lite and SEO we will position your website on 1st page of Search Engines for the keywords that we are working for you. Please ask your support executive for more info.
Q: What is Search Engine Optimization?
Search Engine Optimization is all about getting your website higher up in the search results on search engines such as Google. The higher up the results you are the more traffic (and customers) you’re likely to get.
Q: Why do we need to do SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?
Answer is very simple

  • Find new customers and assist growth
    If you think about it, one of the main reasons you have a website is to increase and differentiate your customer base. It is a fact that businesses that have a website grow twice as fast as businesses that don’t have a website.
    SEO will help you gain better rankings in search engine result pages and this translates to more targeted visits and essentially to more customers.

  • Bypass competition
    Imagine two businesses in the same niche, selling similar products at similar prices. One of them has a search engine optimized website and the other one has a non-optimized web presence. Other things being equal, which company do you think is more successful? Which company will gain more customers from local SEO and which company is likely to grow faster?
    Do not underestimate the power of search engines and SEO and don’t forget that if your competitors are doing SEO and social media marketing then you have to do it as well. If on the other hand they are not doing any of this stuff, then it’s your chance to differentiate and make a step ahead.

  • Open your business 24 × 7
    A business that gets organic traffic is like it is open for 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. That’s the magic of the Internet and SEO. Invest time and money to get your website on top of the SERPs and gain new customers while your business is closed!
Q: Who will choose keywords and towns for SEO?
Our experts will send you list of keywords that are more used for jewelry industry in your area along with towns from where you can drive extra traffic and you can have your final chosen keywords and towns from that list or any of your own choice. We recommend selecting from our list as those keywords are researched and can drive more traffic.
Q: How many Keywords can we choose?
Based on the plan this also changes. If you are on SEO Lite plan then you have 5 keywords and 3 towns including yours and for SEO plan you have 10 keywords and 6 towns including yours. If you feel that you need more keywords added that can be done by adding bunch of 5 keywords for small additional fee.
Q: Which method of Search Engine Optimization do you use?
We use Organic Search Engine Optimization method. Basic difference between Organic Listing and PPC listing is, when it comes to Organic Listing variable factors are involved like Search Engine Friendly Website, Relevant Keyword Phrases, Ethical SEO technique ("White Hat"), Fresh Content on Website, XML Sitemap and submitted to Google correctly and varied other. Whereas PPC means paid sponsored link on search engines.
Q: Why should I pay for search engine optimization plan once I gain good positioning?
Having website placed well with good organic placement it always remains a moving target. It’s never like a static Yellow Page Ad which will never change. Organic positioning can take a big dip if there is major change in search algorithm by search Engine Company. Google is known to keep changing its algorithm on frequent note. With every change we analyze the impact and make relevant changes to your website. Optimization is not a "submit and forget" proposition. It’s an ongoing process to stay on top.
Q: We frequently receive emails from other company stating that our website is not doing well for keywords used in industry?
Those are marketing emails if you are on our any SEO plan we are working for keywords that we are aware, and we send you reports for those keyword status. We will be happy if you share that email with us so we can properly guide you and let you know answers to query mentioned in that email.
Q: Should I change my keywords from time to time to increase our exposure?
We do not recommend changing keywords often as once we change the keywords to a new one our ranking for the keyword that was removed will start falling. If you feel that you need more exposure then you should add more keywords. Yearly analysis should be done and at that time we can eliminate keywords that did not perform for you.
Q: Can I add more keywords midway?
Sure! If you are willing to add more keywords that will eventually increase your exposure you can go ahead with additional keyword pack (with each pack you purchase you can add 5 more keywords to your existing keywords).
Q: Can I add more towns?
Sure! If you feel that you are limiting your website visibility by not targeting it in enough towns you can add more towns with our additional town pack (with each pack you purchase you can add 2 more towns to your existing towns).
Q: How long will it take to get my site listed on Google using Organic Method?
This depends on varied reasons and it can take up to 6-8 months for most of the sites but if your site is new it will take more time. If it’s old then we can deliver results early. One factor that can greatly affect time is the competition keywords have that we are working for you.
Beware: There are many unscrupulous SEO companies out there that will tell you they can get you front page positioning in two weeks. That should raise a big red flag with you.


Q: What is social media?
Social media is content generated by individuals in our case consumers, and made available on technology websites via blog, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn. Traditional media like newspaper, television etc significant resources is required to get content available to all, in case of social media its open to all and anyone can publish their opinion and views. Social media interaction is very powerful and can help boost growth in business.
Q: Why do I need social media for my business?
Consumers normally buy jewelry from store they trust, and a very effective way of connecting with your customers is through interaction on social media sites.
Q: Can social media replace other forms of marketing?
No it cannot and it will never. Social media should be considered as an important part of other marketing mix but not your sole marketing activity. Other marketing channels like search engines, email blasts, newsletters, offers and promotions etc are also very important.

But with social media you can enhance your marketing efforts, by improving your search engine rankings (through blog), by giving you channels where you can reach out to new customers and increase loyalty among existing customers, and by improving your customer service.


Q: I need my website updated. How and who do I?
You need to contact support executive assigned to your account. You need to send email for your update request so that we have a record of what was requested and when it was requested.
Q: How do we manage / maintain my website?
All our plans include management and maintenance of your website as we believe in you need to be focused on what you do best and that is selling Jewelry and leave you website to us as we know what is required based on our years of experience serving jewelry industry. Your suggestions and inputs are always welcomed as that makes website more interactive and the way you want it to be.
Q: How long does it take to complete our request for changes? And will we be charged for changes?
No! You won’t be charged for changes or updates to website. For executing changes or updates requested it will be taken care in 2 working days. But if the request needs more work and effort you will be notified with estimate time frame when it will be completed.
Q: Why don’t I see the updates to my site?
First, view the updated page and choose your web browser’s reload or refresh command to update. If you still don’t see your changes, next empty your browser’s cache. Don’t know how? Let us know and we will help you with that.
Q: How can I be ensured that my updates are done the way I wanted?
To eliminate confusion make sure you always send enough information so the person taking care of your updates can easily ascertain exactly what is needed to make changes requested. Let’s take an example: If a picture is to be changed on a specific page of your website, then you can send the page name and image that needs to be changed along with the new image that needs to be replaced. If we consider change in text then: If you want text to be added on a page, then include what exactly and where it needs to be added including on which page you want it to be added.
Q: What is included in my monthly website maintenance?
The most important thing after you have your website live is to keep it fresh and current and we understand that need, so all our plans include unlimited website updates. From our side time to time we keep changing the graphics on home page so users visiting our website had fresh look. This is very important as if you are running any specials or offers at store we will make sure that it’s well promoted on home page of your website. We do not charge or restrict on no of changes you can do or kind of change you need all your request will be taken care.


Q: Can you help us with print marketing support?
Sure we can. We have very talented and creative team of designers who will help you develop your concept into a brilliant artwork which you can get printed at local printer. We can help you create logos, billboards, posters, duratrans, window clings, postcards, over the counter ads or anything that you need.
Q: Do you provide Mobile Text based marketing service?
No we do not provide that service so you need to find other companies that can help you do this.
Q: What is your privacy policy for proprietary data?
Your data privacy is utmost important to us and we will never sell or distribute your sensitive data, such as customer contact information. All client information is kept strictly confidential.
Q: Do you help us with Email Marketing?
Yes! We do and will create necessary artwork for you to make it look attractive.
Q: Do I need to send Email Newsletter?
Absolutely! From marketing perspective, email marketing outperforms other marketing channels like social media.
Q: How Can I Increase My Click Through Rate (CTR)?
Increasing your click through rate (often abbreviated to CTR) isn’t as difficult as one might think. By keeping below point in mind you can achieve that:

  • Include Call of Action: This is simple instead of full URL of the destination, use words that compel. "Click here" is basic but still better than having full URL. More positive words like "get started" or "learn more" or even "get your free coupon" are effective in increasing CTR.
  • Prominent link placement: If the link is placed on upper part of the news letter it will generate more clicks. If your newsletter has more than one link always place important link above the others.
  • Multiple links to same destination: If your newsletter is big it’s advisable to have multiple links to same destination. If you have image make it clickable in addition to hype link words in newsletter.
  • Save some content: There needs to be a reason for users to click through your website so make sure content is drafted in such a way that it needs click to the link to read full.

We should not stick to these rules if they do not apply. They can be used when situation requires and if you are looking for increasing click through then try using all or few of them on regular basis.
Q: Has social media replaced email marketing?
No. Email marketing is considerably more effective in gaining new customers, driving purchase and interaction with customers. But we feel that no marketing strategy should focus on only one at expense of other. All marketing channels are opportunity to grow business and we should tap them.


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