A Ring for her a TV for me Promotion

Find a local electronics shop who is willing to work with you on trade, or give you a deal buying bulk and get in several (6 to 10 depending on the volume you do in your area) Flat screen TV's or similarly desirable electronic item. We always recommended keeping this local as we feel it's important to support our communities.

Pick a monetary number that would work best with your giveaway. $1500 is what we use in this example, however, $2500 might be better for your store.

To get the word out; tent cards placed on the counter tops, a pop up on your website, a poster in your store window and just a ten second radio clip will have people (men particularly) stopping in to see you pretty quickly.

This should particularly work best right before football season, However anytime is would be good.

Be sure to specify restrictions you may have (Layaways & custom orders not valid and one per customer) to keep things for you and your customers fair.

See below for advertising example (use only the actual picture of the model TV you are giving away!)

A Ring for her a TV for me Promotion

Spend $1500 or more on a Diamond or any piece of jewelry containing a Diamond and get a


September 2nd - September 12th

Cannot be combined with other offers. Limit one per customer. Offer not valid on previous purchase, lay-a-ways or special orders.


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