Who is Cute Promotion

Cutest Couple Contest

A great promotion to have around Valentine's Day.

The winning couple receives a Gift Certificate for Dinner for two at a local restaurant. (See if you can work it out with the restaurant in trade or get a discount in advance). Use a privately owned establishment that can be romantic. No chain restaurants. Set up a promotion on Facebook. Have people post their pictures together and have people vote. The couple with the most Votes at the end of the promotional period Wins. A stipulation should be one of the couple has to come into claim the prize. This, plus the local eating establishment, will keep the contest confined to people in your area. Use this as a marketing campaign to show off as the jeweler who is a hopeless romantic! Promote this with a pop up on your website, and a post on face book (including a facebook contest Tab) and other social media. This should get people showing off their adorable faces in no time. Whoever gets the most votes by Midnight February 10th wins! A twist on the above contest would be;

Great for Spring time!

Instead of dinner for two, the prize should be a voucher for one night of Professional Babysitting (find a local service) and/or a huge basket (basinet) filled with baby toys, clothes, and other items. Pair up with a local kids store that specializes in baby items and attire. Work out trade or a discount if you promote them at the same time. Meanwhile, have them carry stacks of your business cards in their store to recommend your store for push presents.This should also have your promotion set up under the contest tab on Facebook to have people upload pictures of their babies. Be sure to specify an age limit (0 months to 1 year for example). This will also help you to know what items to put into the basket.Use this as a marketing campaign to show off as the jeweler who loves kids (there is a reason politicians kiss babies)! Promote this with a pop up on your website, and a post on face book (including a facebook contest Tab) and other social media. This should get people showing off their kids adorable faces in no time.


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